Tweedle Mama & Tweedle Dumpling

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Names:  Tweedle Mama & Tweedle Dumpling
Sex:          Female

Abandoned on the street when you’re small & in whelp…well that’s Romania for many dogs!

Tweedle Mama, however, managed to survive by feeding herself scraps from crumbs or a crust for the birds & garbage bins.

She lived in a doorway at night & under a bush during the day.  Mama probably had more little ones, but the harsh reality of life on the streets, as well as being small & surrounded by packs of street dogs, makes you & your little ones very vulnerable. I would imagine that she gave birth to more than one pup, but sadly they passed from this world & mama carefully protected her one pup, until she started to explore the safe places & was spotted by a lovely lady, who asked a rescuer for help to save her and hoped that a better life outside Romania would be possible for these two special ladies. So, of course, who could say No?!

From down-trodden, worried, feeling hopeless & trying to survive, to a happy, fun life, with a meal a day & her little one safe.  What a difference a few days can make for any mama & her little one.

Every picture tells a story & that is so true for these 4 paws ~

Mama is the most gorgeous, happy, fun-loving girl & so adorable – you will fall in love with her in an instant

Dumpling is reserved & has her special family counting the weeks until she can travel home to her couch, doggie bed & toys

Both will be fully prepared vaccinated & spayed (mama) when they arrive in the UK

Update – They have now found new forever homes in the UK 🙂


If you have any questions or for any more info on Tweedle Mama & Tweedle Dumpling please get in touch: – Mobile 07484333035 (Midlands)